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Meet Hailey

From the time I was a child, I always had the gift of sight and the ability to appreciate the simple things and how they carry great beauty.


I was the person who brought a little disposable camera with me everywhere I went and always pointed it at everything I saw. My friends didn't like it much, always asking me to put the camera down and referring to me as the paparazzi more times than I could count on all my fingers and toes. 


At the age of twenty-seven, I was able to invest in myself and the passion I had since I was a young girl. From there I spent all of my free time behind my DSLR. 


Being self-taught and always learning, my goal is to expose the essence of the normalcy that others take for granted. There is beauty in everything and I found my passion in capturing the simple moments that make our journey of life worth every breath.



"God creates the beauty. My camera and myself are the witness"


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